7 ก.ย. 2566
The Director of the Thai Banking Institute joins the press conference to launch the "Omber 5" project to enhance knowledge and understanding about savings and investment among the public.

Ms. Kittiya Todhanakasem, Director of Thai Bankers' Association, Thai Bankers' Association, honored to join the press conference to launch "Omber 5 Project" on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at Sukree Kaewcharoen Auditorium, 3rd floor, Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, Ratchadaphisek Road, to enhance knowledge and understanding about investment and to provide mutual funds as an alternative for continuous savings and investment and wealth accumulation for investors and the general public to create good financial health for investors and promote financial discipline among Thai people for long-term success (Long Term Purpose).

The main goal of the Omber 5 project is to expand the base of new investors, especially working-age people, to be ready and disciplined in saving for the future through investing in mutual funds using the Dollar Cost Average (DCA: regular investment with average cost). Interested general public can join the project by opening a mutual fund account, start investing until reaching 5,000 baht, and join in creating a plan to invest in mutual funds using the regular monthly investment (DCA) of not less than 500 baht per month. When investing continuously for 12 months, they will receive a special gift to support additional savings worth 500 baht.
The business sectors participating in the project include 22 fund management companies, 14 securities companies, 2 mutual fund brokerage companies, 7 commercial banks, and 4 life insurance companies.

Ms. Kittiya Tothanakasem said, “In terms of commercial banks, we are a strong channel for selling mutual funds with our bank branches and our Mobile Banking App system that effectively reaches investors. Thai commercial banks have continuously focused on developing their personnel to recommend savings options that are suitable for customers with different needs and risk tolerance levels. They have also consistently provided knowledge about savings to the public. Thai commercial banks and banking institutions are very pleased to join this project and are confident that our bank branches, as well as our affiliated investment management companies, which have tens of thousands of investment advisors, will work together to promote good financial health for the general public.”